Sacred Sons is a global movement of modern Men’s Work, experienced through physical and relational trainings.

Embodied Masculine Course Immersion Convergence EMX Leadership Training Maui Mana Prime Leadership The One

Interested in Learning More About Sacred Sons and Our Offerings? 


Adam Jackson

CVO - Chief Visionary Officer, Co-Founder & Host of Sacred Sons Podcast

Adam holds a vision for ushering brotherhood to the forefront of our community as a means for conscious healing. Fatherhood has set Adam on a heart-opening journey of conscious parenting,  commitment and continual inner work. He is walking his spiritual path with the power of self-love and the intention to raise the collective consciousness of our human family. 


Jason MacKenzie

CTO - Director of Trainings & Co-Founder

Jason brings the intention of InterSovereignty through a deep love for growing alongside others. He has chosen this path of facilitating men's work to help restore the father archetype on this planet. He has had the honor and privilege to study and train with 1st wave mentors of the "Men's Work Movement", and is grateful to be a bridge of that lineage into the modern men's work movement.   


Neil Christiansen

COO - Chief Operations Officer & Co-Founder
Neil holds himself and all men closer to their loving essence through deepening their connection to presence and source. Neil is here to walk alongside his brothers in remembering the call of love and its teachings. A father to two divine daughters Neil lives is steadfast commitment to his family and the brotherhood as he tills the soil of future harvests in support of Sacred Sons

Kale Ka’alekahi

CCO - Chief Cultural Officer & Co-Founder

Kale Ka’alekahi is a Spiritual Activist and Cultural Innovator. He is a lineage carrier of Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) and Oceti Sakowin (Sioux Nation) Traditions. Kale is a practitioner of living system designs and martial arts. He is also a ceremonialist, indigenous dancer, musician and singer.



Aubert Bastiat


Aubert shares the fire of love ignited in his spiritual heart during a mystical awakening that saved his life and set him on a path of devotional purpose. He is a devoted husband and father of three sacred sons, thriving in the rugged beauty of Austin, TX.









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