MAUI MANA // Maui, Hawaii

REINDIGENIZE - a return to the place of origin, the home within, born of the land. Join us for 5 days as we return to the home within through primal movement, sound, dance, and play on the sacred land of Maui. MANA - the life force energy in all that exists, supernatural, divine power, spiritual power that animates all of life. Maui Mana is to be immersed in the life force energy of Maui, where we gather to enhance and cultivate our own spiritual power amongst the brotherhood to be the protectors and providers that our families/ communities are asking for.


December 13th - 17th


Save $199



Only 2 Spots Available


4 Nights/5 Days with 4 Elements


Abundance Ceremony

Wild Nature/ Gift Making

Ritual Connection


Sweat Lodge

Ritual Combat

Fire Dancing


Body Language and Biomechanics

Waterfall and River immersion

Cacao and Kava Ceremony


Seed Sounds and Music

Voice Alchemy and Deep Listening

Drumming and Ecstatic Dance

5 Days of Wild Nature. Sacred Confrontation. Cultural Immersion. Elemental Connection.


Maui Mana...

We are here to learn the way of the leaver, to step on the beautiful path, way finding on our journey through sacred masculinity.  The Alchemy of the Elements, the original archetypes, have brought the catalyst for coevolution ever since, so now we are finding ourselves again as mere sparks on the Earth.

We are here to restore and re-story, the Ancient weaving is threading us into deeper connection to our origins.  As the Future is informed by the Present, we must remember that before there was a king, warrior, magician, or lover, there IS earth, air, water and fire.

We are here to orient ourselves to the original instructions of Nature, the Mother code, to embody the truest form of human, to become adept and to adapt.  How do we live the words that we speak?  When do we show up for what has been calling us all this time? 

As the light grows stronger so too does the dark, so we embrace ourselves more fully in them both.  The responsibility is to be vulnerably and honestly PRESENT, to reveal our inheritance.  The Ancestral connection is the Medicine, as we embark a return to our Nature, that of Elemental Beings.

The Ancient Future is here and WE are the ones cultivating the New Old Way.

Your Maui Mana Guides: Kale, Koa, Kai, and Marco

Maui Mana will provide a Map and Compass to help you reach new perspective in movement and life. We teach you how to become the mechanic of your own body. Timing together the physical, emotional, and mental back into the code of nature. Human movement and brain growth evolve in correlation to each other, the primary patterns that we evolved to do best are walking, running and throwing.  We will show you how to have integrity in all of life's postures.



Are you ready for

Primal Reset

Cultural Immersion

Sacred Combat

Sweat Lodge

Physical Connection


Strengthen Your Soul

The Guides

Kale Ka'alekahi

Kale is a cultural innovator and spiritual activist.  As an artist in Indigenous life ways he brings through the New Old Way, a deep study into spiritual ecology and Ancestral Genetics.

Kai Jones

Kai is a visionary & guide with a passion for bringing spiritual frameworks into practical reality. His love for song, ceremony, & connection are a reminder of how potency grows through simplicity.

Koa Taylor

Koa is a culinary genius who penetrates you with flavor and potency, his study into nourishment brings ceremony to every meal. He is an adventure guide and nature enthusiast, who brings his dance with life in all that he does.

Marco Muhlbach

Marco is the mirror and a Sonic Reiki Wizard.  His enchantment with music, martial arts, and reiki is a reflection of healing and hope. His joy is by design and yours will be too.



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